

This is a test.


The Game

Now that you’re interested, you may be wondering what From the Spot is.
From the Spot is set to be a weekly podcast that features you, the fan.  Each week two fans from each side of some of football’s biggest matches will be pitted against each other in a shoot out of words.  I’ll ask questions pertaining to the match up and the teams and players involved

Scoring in the game is simple.  Each match-up is won on a basis of 3 points.  The first point is awarded by myself based on my judging of the answers given during the show.  At the end of each show I will declare the winner of my point.

The second point is given by you.  Each week the listeners will have their change to vote on who they will be cheering on during the weeks match-up.  Whether this point is awarded by you for the player’s performance, an undying hatred for the team in question or just for the fact that you like one player more than the other is up to you.
The third point is awarded to the player who’s team wins the match.



Call to Arms

The From the Spot podcast will feature two fans from biggest matches in the world weekly battling it out over the airwaves.  This is where you come in.  Are you a football fan interested in supporting your club while completely demeaning someone else’s?  If you’ve answered yes to either of these questions send me an email at fromthespotpodcast@gmail.com.  Let me know what teams you support and I’ll get back with you with the details.